The Friends of Epworth held their 7th Annual Friends of Epworth Party to benefit Epworth Children’s Home – a Palate Party – on March 9, 2019, at Hay Hill Market in Columbia. This event delighted the senses and nourished the soul, with food and wine pairings that pleased even the most discerning of palates. This “upscale casual” event includes live music, a large dance floor, incredible food stations complete with wine pairings for each, and an open bar for all guests.
As the signature event for the Friends of Epworth, the event raises awareness and funds for Epworth and the children who call Epworth home.
Most children in our community have all they need and more. This makes it possible for them to dream big, knowing that someone along the way will help them reach their goals…but not all children are so lucky. The children at Epworth come from environments where poverty, neglect and abuse derail childhoods. Instead of dreaming of bright futures, these children faced daily nightmares. Thankfully, their lives—and dreams—transform by the love, security and care given to them at Epworth.